Tuesday, February 13, 2007

life as I call it

will be another year older next month...almost lived half of my life already...looking back and looking around, not bad at all!

this last year specifically I have seen myself really change, get more assertive with myself, absorbing all the energies floating around, working on impulses as usual but in a more canny way. maybe it was because of the circumstances I chose to be in that helped me be more in touch with my inner.

have been clearer in my head about the baggage I really need on this trip...brushed away a few unnecessary strands...

still as short-tempered and silly as before...still ready with a smile and a cheerful word, still open to newness...still not available to anyone.

have enjoyed every bit of the story...more to come, maybe...but henceforth a more structured predictable storyline, I would say, like with anyone else. but I continue to remain attuned to all thats around on a micro and macro level...

so much more to go through and soak up.


Teacher Laila Chris said...

I was worried about you! But then, I've found you back. You came back with a cool layout. That made me relieved! Woo-Hoo... Your spot is so so so beautiful... CONGRATS!

qsg said...

waaah - aa gayeeeee! yay! :D

Phoenix said...

hey laila, thanks! was going thru one of those coming-undone bits...hope you've been doing great! :-)

gems bond - you bet! :-)

Just Jane said...

you're back! what a relief :-)

Phoenix said...

hey rio, thanks...was never away tho! just a mood thang... :-D

Sundar said...

life ho tho aisi...

Phoenix said...

sundar - bilkul! :-)