Monday, February 19, 2007

carnage, again

people, innocents, burned alive...some asleep, some waking up to the horror and fighting to get out. taking a train to return home after meeting your relatives - a simple act that climaxed in a carnage.

I wonder what motivates the twisted minds behind such deeds...cannot be religion, cannot be God or any superior power or holy book.

How do they sleep at night, knowing that blood is on their hands. All this to derail a peace process, to make sure they get a piece of the disputed pie...such lengths for a piece of land. What a world we live in.

Of all the species on this watery planet, the only dysfunctional one got the super brains.

All thats left is charred remains, and belongings. Again.



Nee said...

Phoenix, yay! I am finally able to see your blog again. Had you taken it off-line for a while, wasn't able to get to it? Tsk-tsk, don't do that to me again, at least not without warning! :-)

Phoenix said...

hey nee! :-D Just got bored of the old url and got a new one for some time...will let you know before the next meltdown. :-)

Just Jane said...

yes..everything turns to dust one fine day. we just gotta remember that.

Phoenix said...

rio - absolutely. makes you wonder what they are all fighting for in the end, doesnt it?!

Neihal said...

you said it all....and so well.

Phoenix said...

Thanks, neihal! :-)

qsg said...

absolutely true. It makes me so mad... power and land - ridiculous, the lengths people would go to, to get that little bit extra!

Phoenix said...

you bet, gems! just another excuse to complicate life, as we know it!