Wednesday, October 17, 2007

idle notes to myself

wouldnt it be great if there was a place, a zone, a moment, where one could be nothing. totally empty oneself of all the baggage, weight, commitments, faces, relationships and just be nothing. the virtual world, once mooted as an option, isnt really as detached, I find...there are repeat relationships, ephemeral roots, connections and stories...what I mean is maybe a booth, a spot on the beach, under the shade of some tree, in the middle of a downpour/storm, when one can be washed clean of everything...and float and soar and dive and do cartwheels...if only for a moment...the length of the moment, not defined...where nothing is defined...just an eternal feeling of unbeing, nothingness...when I can be what I really am...the spirit, the flame set free. A teaser of what awaits, maybe, once the fat lady sings.

pure detachment, is rarely tasted.


Anonymous said...

alok, LOL, wonder why I didnt think of that...! :-D

qsg said...

Hmmm...that would be nice once in a while...really!

Anonymous said...

wouldn't it, qsg...maybe like 'beam us down, Scotty, for a bit'! :-D

Ffflaneur said...

there's this place in Delhi, sheltered by leaves, with a bicycle cart idle on the sand - nice place to hide!

Anonymous said...

fflaneur - bummer, the secret's out, is it, hmmph...! :-D