Thursday, January 29, 2009

high and low...zipping by...pausing briefly, fondly...but always moving.

the more I scatter, the more 'I' withdraw.

strange fascinating experiences, connecting randomly...scatter generous happy flaky whacky trippin dancing

the journey mid-way...the road beckons...fog sunshine rain evening...the usual

living with a vengeance.


Anonymous said...

too irregular! How is the book coming along? Deadline is September 2009.

Anonymous said...

haha. :-)

Ffflaneur said...

and when will you be posting with a vengeance? ;-)

Anonymous said...

:-D ...when and if my inertia evolves into vengeance of any kind.

Teacher Laila Chris said...

i could not help noticing that your last entry was posted on my b-day

Anonymous said...

I did! Belated happy birthday, laila...and absolutely marvellous to have you peek in my corner after aeons...cheers! :-D